Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Op bezoek bij de verloskundige

1 x per week moet mama naar de verloskundige, om te kijken hoe de zwangerschap verloopt. Vandaag was het weer tijd voor zo'n bezoek! Oma heeft wat leuke foto's van genomen! Hopelijk was dit de laatste keer dat we daarheen moesten...want ik ga ervan uit dat ik een van deze dagen ter wereld kom!

Groetjes, Thandie

P.S.: Tante Gerda, ik kan trouwens ook al Nederlands spreken!

Monday, March 27, 2006

A few hours in Westeinde

Today mom went to the hospital, 'cause she felt that I wasn't active enough in her belly. She had to stay just a few hours to check my heart rate and to take an echo. Don't you all worry, 'cause I'm doing just fine...and mommy too! I'm just taking my time to gather up some extra energy for the big day!

Hugs, Thandie

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Dear mom...

Dear mom,

Today was the day that you were supposed to get a special delivery, but Mr. Stork took a wrong turn and we landed up in CuraƧao instead! Now I'm giving him the directions on how to get to The Hague, so hopefully we'll get there soon! Hang in there, relax and enjoy the last few days of being 'babyless' !

Love you lots, Thandie

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Welcome to Holland Oma!

Oma is in Holland! Thank God she got here before I did, 'cause it would have been a pitty if she wasn't at my birth! Maybe I'll wait for opa too?!

I'm glad oma is here to help mommy
out these days...

Love, Thandie

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Just 4 more days...

Hopefully, just 4 more days...for me to come into this world! I can't wait to meet my lovely mommy, my opa & oma, my uncle Clay (which I heard still wishes I was a boy) and all the other family and friends! I know you all are very excited to see me, believe me...I am too!!

So see you in a few days, Thandie